When using 5 gallons of kerosene to power a kerosene heater, the life span is a relatively flexible number, which is deeply affected by several key variables.
First, the power of the heater is a determining factor. A high-power heater will naturally consume kerosene faster than a low-power one. Second, the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor and the size of the room also play an important role. When it is necessary to provide heat for a larger space or a larger temperature difference, the operating time of the heater will be extended accordingly, thereby increasing the consumption of kerosene.
Furthermore, if the heater is used intermittently, such as automatically shutting off when the room temperature reaches a comfortable level, then the use time of these 5 gallons of kerosene will naturally be longer.
Therefore, we can't simply give a fixed time range, but we can roughly predict that these 5 gallons of kerosene can support the operation time of the heater from a few hours to dozens of hours.
For the most accurate predictions, it is best to consult your heater's manual or the manufacturer directly to find out what the rate of kerosene consumption will be in your specific environment. It is also wise to check the remaining kerosene regularly to ensure that the heater will continue to provide you with warmth when you need it.